Does this sound like you?

  • You speak English as a second language (ESL).

  • You are a dedicated professional working and/or living in an English speaking environment.

  • And you thought your English pronunciation would naturally improve over time.

  • But now and again, people still misunderstand what you say or ask you to repeat yourself.

  • Every time this happens, you search online for courses on English pronunciation.

  • Because you want to be understood first time, in person and on the phone.

is unique. 

Artikul8® specifically works with adult professionals who speak English as a second language (ESL).

Artikul8’s practical, structured e-courses on English pronunciation include strategies, tips and tricks that are well known amongst Speech & Language Pathologists / Therapists.

Unfortunately, these techniques and tips are not widely known.

So we've simply used our unique knowledge and experience to design our courses with adult speakers of ESL in mind - they are training, not 'therapy' - you will definitely learn new things! 

Did you know?

While English Language Teachers are experts at teaching English as a second language, only Speech & Language Pathologists / Therapists are qualified to change or introduce new pronunciation patterns. They have to pass specialist exams to be able to do this.

So what does this mean for you?
  • Experts to guide you.
  • High quality learning material.
  • Confidence that you’re learning from a qualified professional.

A Shared Journey

We believe the process of developing new skills is a two way street, a dialogue where both experts and clients learn from each other. With a good internet connection, you can be part of our shared journey on any device, anytime, anywhere.

Join us on our journey. At Artikul8®, we share our unique expertise with anyone wishing to improve their oral pronunciation in English through our expert, structured e-courses. Anywhere, anytime.
A shared journey

Artikul8® courses offer its learners many benefits. These are just a few of them!

  • A fun, authentic experience.

  • Expertise - learn key skills that underpin advanced pronunciation.

  • Repeat video and audio clips as often as you wish.

  • Clear pronunciation - be understood first time in person and on the phone.

  • Confident pronunciation - through our supportive approach to practice.

  • Exclusive material on adjusting intonation, stress, rhythm and rate.

  • Improved telephone and presentation skills.

  • Virtual live, face to face access to founder.

  • Completion certificates.

Meet The Founder

Helen Buxton


Helen Buxton qualified as a Speech & Language Therapist in the UK in 2006. Prior to completing her training, Helen worked in the private sector for a variety of companies including Holland & Holland (London) and Macmillan ELT Publishers (Oxford).

Helen has extensive generalist experience in paediatric Speech & Language Therapy having worked in a variety of clinical settings including community clinics, Children’s Centres and schools. She has specialist experience working with high level cognitive communication difficulties in children with an acquired brain injury.

Most recently, Helen spent 3 years living in Tajikistan, Central Asia, with her husband who works in international development (2015-18). While working on Artikul8®, Helen ran a community clinic on a voluntary, part time basis and obtained funding for two speech and language therapy projects through the British Embassy in Dushanbe. She successfully completed these in September 2018.

Helen currently lives in the UK.